Feldenkrais Arts is Emily Davis, offering Feldenkrais lessons to artists*.
Why artists?
While I’m delighted to work with anyone, artists are my kindred spirits. I want to see more good art in the world and by improving self-organization, the art a person makes inevitably becomes richer and more nimble. I want to Make Good Art and I want you to, too.
Why Feldenkrais?
I discovered the Feldenkrais Method while studying maskwork and found that it improved not only my performance but also my imagination, spontaneity and ability to go beyond physical boundaries. I became a Feldenkrais practitioner to continue that improvement of my art and to share the pleasure of the method with others. I am a Guild Authorized practitioner and a graduate of NY4. I have an MFA from the University of California, Davis and BA from Sarah Lawrence College. My creative work continues here, here and here.
*And those who like art.
In the chaos of a Health/Wellness Fair at Visions Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired, I found a way to teach a little Awareness Through Movement and create a little quiet.
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